Report a Waste Management Problem

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What do I do if my bin doesn’t get collected?

If your bin is placed out prior to 6am on collection day and is missed, please leave the bin out and call E & E Waste on 07 4671 2403.  

What to do if my bin is lost, stolen or broken?

You can report a lost, stolen or broken bin to Goondiwindi Regional Council by:

Online:  Report a Problem
Phone:  Phone a Customer Service Representative on 07 4671 7400

Illegal Littering and Dumping

Economic and environmental impact

Littering and dumping not only makes our towns and natural areas look dirty and uncared for, it can also have significant adverse health, safety, financial and environmental impacts.

  • Every year, thousands of dollars of ratepayers' money is spent on cleaning up illegally dumped waste. Even more money is spent on fixing infrastructure and natural areas impacted by dumping. Dump sites can lower property values and also attract other illegal activities.
  • Illegal dumping causes chemical and physical pollution in our neighbourhoods and waterways. It also spreads pests and weeds. Even dumping old furniture is a problem because it may encourage others to dump more dangerous waste.
  • Risks involved with illegal dumping include sharp objects, asbestos, toxic substances, nappies and medical waste.
  • Illegal dumps are fire hazards. Tree stumps and tyres left on the road can cause accidents. Dump sites can block stormwater drains and be breeding grounds for flies, mosquitoes and rats.

Report An Illegal Dumping Problem

Your safety in a situation where someone may be illegally dumping is very important to us. Do not:

  • approach the vehicle or individuals who are illegally dumping  
  • let the illegal dumpers know you are there
  • touch the illegally dumped material.


Goondiwindi Regional Council actively monitors areas for illegal waste dumping using surveillance cameras.

Any evidence gathered may be used to issue fines, or share with the Queensland Police Service.

These actions are undertaken in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Queensland Ombudsman's recommendations for the use of surveillance cameras.

Further Information